Healthy Eating for Healthy Aging–Oct. 17
As we age, our bodies continue to need nutrient-rich foods, but less calories. This can be challenging in a world of fast foods. In this presentation, learn how to prepare simple meals for better blood sugars and blood pressure, how to read a nutrition label to find balanced convenience foods and best foods for strength, energy and your mind.
Presented by Lindsay Cohen & Hedva Barenholtz Leavy
Senior Learning Institute® is the learning place for older adults in St. Louis and surrounding areas for unbiased learning opportunities.
These seminars are being moderated by Ted Gottlieb, Certified Senior Advisor®, Certified Downsizing Coach™, and Founder of The Senior Learning Institute® — No sales pitch.
Find ample resources on our website . Questions or need a specific resource? Contact Ted Gottlieb at Ted@TrustinTed.com.