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Educational Videos for Impartial Senior-Relevant Content


The Senior Learning Institute is your source for the unbiased, straightforward information that older adults and their advocates need to help them make well-informed decisions. No matter where you are in the United States, we’ll connect you to the trusted resources you seek. 

Click each title or the (+) icon below to view each section.

Estate and Financial Planning -- Financial planning and wealth management are crucial at every age, but they become particularly vital as we grow older. Whether you’re gearing up for retirement or already enjoying it, careful planning is essential. It helps ensure smooth cash flow for both the short and long term and lays a solid foundation for estate planning.


Senior Living Resources & Tips Videos – Topics include: Downsize from your home to a senior living community, having a smooth transition, and adjusting to a senior community.



Senior Health & Caregiver Wellness – Would you rather age in place than move to a senior living community? Learn about care management and tips for caregivers.

Real Estate Topics For Older Adults – Learn tips on aging in place, maintaining the home as we grow older, selling the family home, downsizing, and organizing.

Aging in Place – Staying in Your Home -- Over 80% of older adults would rather age in place rather than move to a senior living community. Learn about the resources available to help older adults stay put, whenever they call home.

Understanding Medicare – Learn about the coverage for Medicare Parts A&B are often referred to as Traditional Medicare (vs. Medicare Advantage), Medicare Part D which provides prescription drug coverage, Medigap Insurance, and Medicare Advantage.

Technology For Older Adults -- Learn how seniors and care managers can use technology to ensure that medication is taken when it’s needed. Plus, learn about phones with speech recognition.

End of Life Care -- Death, Dying, and Hospice are not topics most feel comfortable talking about. However, for the person with a terminal diagnosis, having a plan allows them to maintain a certain level of control and assurance that their wishes will be honored.

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