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One of the biggest decisions you will make as a senior is whether or not you want to stay in your home or find something new. You may be ready to move on, but many prefer to safely remain at home for as long as possible. As the baby boomer generation ages into the golden years and the average life span gets higher, there is a growing awareness of options that provide the opportunity to age in place in a safe and happy manner. Staying in your “home sweet home” may require some modifications in order to be a safe and accessible place for your daily life. Our friend and trusted Senior Learning Institute® Sponsor, Mosby Building Arts, specializes in senior modifications and can help you every step of the way. 


What modifications will my home need?

As you age, you may notice that certain aspects of your home no longer serve you as well as they once did. Mosby Building Arts has a team of Certified Aging-In-Place Specialists (CAPS) that are knowledgeable in universal design and can make your home fit your current and likely future needs. They rework floor plans to accommodate the health issues that often come with aging. This can include moving a primary bedroom to the main level and making your most-used spaces, such as the kitchen and bathroom, more functional and safe. Mosby is here to help you live in your home obstacle-free for many years to come. 


Aside from modifications, how can I make my home better serve me? 

Modifications can significantly improve the overall function of your home, but there are many other ways to prepare your home for aging in place. 

Install smart features that can make your daily tasks easier. Such smart features include 

  • voice-activated faucets,
  • intercom systems to help you communicate with others, 
  • app-controlled appliances (Who doesn’t want to start the laundry from another room!?), 
  • motion-sensing lighting to help you get around both inside and outside. 

While smart home features can increase safety and functionality, a few very simple tasks are important as well.


What if my home needs maintenance outside of modifications? 

You now have the modifications you need complete, but just need a trusted handyman. Mosby offers a full range of handyman services to handle small repairs your home may need. They also offer routine scheduled maintenance to ensure that your home is running smoothly throughout the year.

Whether your home modifications are large or small, our friends at Mosby can help you make your home flexible, comfortable, and safe during your senior years. Give them a call at 314.909.1800 or visit their website HERE